I gotchu
I gotchu
No, i got you fam.
Tap for spoiler
found one
Third row, second D, diagonally to the bottom right
Bruhh i couldnt find it, i didnt know diagonal was allowed
That D is also right before "Good". It literally says "good dog" in that area
I'm gonna sing the doog song!
Doog doog doog
doog doog doog
I found God but still took another full minute to find dog.
Prioritized your salvation, eh?
Maybe I'm subconsciously religious? 🤷♂️
Spoiler tag that
Look I just wanted to be like the cool kids
You really had to add the ballsack didn't you?
good god!
Like with Connect Four:
Here... diagonally.
I feel like I’m having a stroke while looking at this
Dood that's difficult
Edit: I didn't💀
Found it!
Starting from the second D on top row, diagonially towards bottom left :)
What? No.. lol
Lol, I guess you're right😆💀
I found another!
Tap for spoiler
Top right corner
. G
Since when do you round corners in word searches…
Since the internet was always a 100% serious place
It’s illegal for you to say anything but the truth here. You are under arrest
That's the only correct answer because it's preceded by the word 'good'
Also the word "good" is in there a few times (two of them in the bottom right corner). So this is a Good Dog search.
Bront. Really?
Found "doog"
I need one of these with a bunch of good dog all over.
Just post something 💛