Good thing Sherrick put his thumb over his name there.
I was curious what driving law he broke, but I can't make it out under all the scribble of "muh rights".
Can you use this same logic to write on like a restaurant check that you don't intend to pay for the meal you ate due to the right to eat or some other insane Calvinball rule?
I can't see why not.
insane Calvinball rule
I'm in the zone of hopping. Everyone has to hop until one of us discovers the magic eggplant.
Everyone local knows this crazy-pants cuckoo bird and doesn't want the hassle.
I’m convinced this is the explanation behind any success these people have trying to pull this shit. Straight up “I’m not paid enough to deal with this.”
Sovcits are such crazy moochers. They want free money and will put an incredible amount of effort into getting it, not realizing that effort can help them get actual money doing legit work.
They'll do this for years thinking they're getting somewhere.
I've never seen the name Sherrick before.
Almost every sovcit name is fake in the Moorish type of sovcit.
Screenshots of people being insane on Facebook. Please censor names/pics of end users in screenshots. Please follow the rules of