Is woke PC killing standup comedy?
I never thought I'd say this but fuck jack black.
That sucks, I hadn't had the chance to see them before, but I got tickets for a show they're having near me in a few months. I guess I need to see what getting a refund looks like.
He probably doesn't want to get shot.
Don't you see? He's the man! Let me hear you applaud! He is more than a man, he's a shiny golden god! ...
He. Is going. To kick your fucking ass! And! You know, his name is Kyle Gass! Rocking and fucking rolling and fucking rocking and fucking rolling and fucking (Jack Black scatting noises)
Jables didn't call him Rage Cage for nothing. Sounds like an ep of the TV show tbh.
Most of the western world fought back against the Nazis in WWII for the very reason that fascism is deeply hostile to a healthy democracy and a free society.
Kyle was right: we didn’t teach our soldiers to miss back then, so there is no excuse to miss now.
Was a right wing idiot, listening to right wing hate and violence, who took a shot at a right wing idol.
Theres nothing "ours" or "soldier" about it.