Wells Fargo fires employees for utilising down time.
We're trying to reduce the numbers of hours a person has to work.
We talk about the end of paid work being mandatory for survival.
/join #antiwork
Well Fargo fired people for working a second job ON COMPANY TIME, USING COMPANY RESOURCES AND COMPUTERS.
They abso-fucking-lutely deserved this. Don't get behind this story and act like it's employers being shitty when it was employees faking working their main job using mouse/keyboard idlers to work a second job during time they were being paid by the first job for, using resources provided by the first job.
Work 2 jobs separately? Big whoop. Being paid for your time to do a job and you do a completely different job in that time using your employers resources? Hell, be glad they didn't sue you.
Get behind real issues, not this. This just makes you look like the reddit anti work mod who got interviewed and complained that they couldn't support themselves as a dog walker for 2 hours a week. It makes YOU look unreasonable.
This is like the 3rd version of the article at this point. It's mentioned in other articles. What is mentioned in this one is they used devices to pretend to be active during times they were expected to be. You know, fraud.
Yeah! Like this! https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/wells-fargo-agrees-pay-3-billion-resolve-criminal-and-civil-investigations-sales-practices#:~:text=Wells%20Fargo%20%26%20Company%20and%20its,to%20provide%20millions%20of%20accounts
Oh wait.