Can we NOT have Kanye as the icon?
This community is people with Bipolar Disorder to share memes and encouragement. People without bipolar are free to post as well, as long as you're not involved in a worldwide conspiracy to kill us all 💗
Sorry! I thought it was heavily ironic! Because Kanye does so much for representation. Please give me another icon and I will switch to it. I don't want to chase everyone off. (edit: I changed it and I hope this is better)
What has Kanye ever done that's positive for Bipolar disorder? He made having a mental illness feel more terrifying (graphic depictions of being hauled into a mental hospital) and more isolating for people diagnosed with the disorder, not less. He even resists treatment and resists taking meds because he spouts the absolutely unfounded conspiracy theory that being medicated makes you less creative-- Which is utter, utter, utter DANGEROUS bullshit and a massive disservice to people like me who went unmedicated/under-medicated when I was younger and do you know what I did with all of that extra energy? I didn't use it to make art, I was too unstable to make art. Instead I had breakdowns and outbursts.
If you need a bipolar hero, look to Carrie Fisher. No, don't make her the sub's icon. Actually stop and learn from her, because upon diagnosis she was set realistic expectations for herself, she took her meds, and she began to give generously to mental health charities, gave her time and media advocacy for people with bipolar disorder, and was so charismatic and relatable when talking about the illness that mystifies normal people with gems like this:
Like damn, that is relatable as hell but isn't scary to normal people. It describes the struggle in a way that is managable, if challenging.
When I introduce myself and it comes around to disclosing my mental illness, all I need to say is, "You know, like Carrie Fisher" and you can see a lot of fear evaporate from people's faces. Like, they know that Carrie Fisher was a handful, but still a great person.
Meanwhile, Kanye is out there calling Bipolar Disorder a superpower, harassing his ex's new boyfriend, screaming at anyone who will listen that he's a genius, completely unable to disentangle his bipolar-induced psychosis from his own ego.
If you are new to having bipolar disorder, please go watch or read some stuff that Carrie Fisher has done and ignore Kanye. He's not here to help you, only himself.
I don't need a bipolar hero, I pity anyone who does, and the icon was changed already after you complained.