DMing Curse of Strahd
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How was starting in Kresk for you? I quite liked the progression from barren village of Barovia to a more populated place in Vallaki. Was it hard to get them started on the Ireena stuff?
Really pleased to see a CoS post here, that's the subreddit I'm going to miss the most! I copied some of Mandy Mod posts that I'll need later before it went private but it's going to be sad not having that community anymore. Do you think people would use a CoS community on lemmy?
Honestly, I feel that CoS is more of a common thread between tons of players. Sure, everyone's got their own tables, homebrew, or oddities. But CoS is probably the most well regarded official module and I'd wager most DnD enthusiasts have their own tale or two from the module. Let it be something to mull over in the overall DnD community if you ask me.
Definitely! Curse of Strahd is by far my favorite official 5e campaign and the only one I was willing to run more than once. (I am actually running it for the third time now. :D )