Character is only level 3 in cooking, 2 in fishing and 8 in foraging and with a nice cut of fish and some mushroom harvesting, one can eat well.

The pot's condition is like that as it was something I picked up through foraging.


I don't know if that's the correct version since I'm away from the computer, yadda yadda

I fired up Zomboid after watching this movie but I thought I'd play around with the guns first instead of going straight into a new playthrough.

So with the debug console open, cheats active, and Base.Pistol in hand, I took some shots at some 'boids. And it's incredible.

You know how in Counter-Strike, its a classic joke to say it's the game where your bullets can come out of the gun and make a 90° turn? Zomboid seems to have taken notes.

You can't seriously be saying that I can knock a zomboid to the ground, stand on top of them, aim my gun one foot from their head, fully intent on executing them; pulling the trigger and watch the debug console as it says I hit them somewhere ridiculous like the lower torso or the hands and arms.

Bullets don't feel real in this version. It really is just gambling which body parts you're "calculated" to have hit, instead of calculating your chances of hitting your designated target. The Aiming skill just feels like a modifier for your chance to hit, and your crosshair is just a designator for which entity to run the calculations against. The crosshair doesn't feel like it's guiding a bullet to a target anymore.

And the salt on the wound is that the animation system acknowledges my intent to headshot most of the time. There's a slight disconnect between the physical model and the hitboxes (I suspect its because the hitboxes aren't rotating properly with perspective, center-of-mass is always fine) but otherwise the animation system is a delight.

Man, what I've just written feels off. Either way let's talk about these gun changes. They feel really bad right now.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by JayEchoRay@lemmy.world to c/projectzomboid@lemmy.world

Even though it wasn't in the best of shape, looks in good enough shape to at least do a stair remodeling.


This is temporary until the main map site updates. It looks really good.


The issue here is threefold, broadly speaking. Firstly, the artist contracted to produce the pertinent loading screens was the same person who drew the iconic Bob loading screen over a decade ago. The Indie Stone enjoyed their new output well enough without spotting that it sat in stark contrast with the dark and gloomy vibe of the game. Secondly, The Indie Stone has also spent a non-insignificant amount of money and time setting up these loading screens with dedicated animated effects and other fancy tidbits. Those, too, are now gone. Finally, the dialogue over the nature of this art was taking over the main subreddit, when the focus should’ve squarely been on the actual content of Build 42’s update.


Seems B42 unstable is out!

Although it is only for single player for now, looking forward to see the new stuff - even if it might have jank


Probably building hype creating this, but best case scenario, build .42 unstable public release looking to drop around Christmas and in the worst case early next year




Seems that .42 has started closed external testers so that is good news

The new lighting seems oppressive and looks like night raids are probably going to require flashlights to avoid danger.

Nice seeing some basement gameplay - first thought was looking like 3rd person Rsident Evil( from the sanatorium video) and the distribution getting tweeks and wonder how they are going to tighten up the combat

Besides all the other stuff, I am really liking the reading materials and how its being implemented.


Writing this to see what moments that have happened in game that has one step back and appreciate the systems at play.

I just recalled a moment where I had setup in the farmhouse north east of maldraugh and the helicopter event happened, so I hurried upstairs and waited for it to end.

When it did, decided to take a nap as I heard the downstairs windows being broken as wanted to prepare for the worst case of making an emergency exit.

So character wakes up in the middle of the night and it is a thunderstorm, so think screw it, going to take a chance and clear my "front yard".

I climb out the second story window, onto the veranda decking, and jump down into probably about 20 zomboids mulling about in all directions - which the lightning surpised me when it struck, showing me more than I was expecting.

So in the middle of the night amongst the separated group I went about sneaking and trying to take them out one at a time, with the screen having moments being fully lit up from the lightning threatening my position and the possibility being compromised and they all converge.

So there was my survivor shanking zomboids in the middle of night alongside the thunderstorm, as bodies kept falling and eventually peace of mind as the numbers thinned out enough to not be a problem if the weather worked against me.

Was quite a sight the next morning as the fields in front of the house were spread out with corpses and the resultant blood spray across it where I had to resort to blunt force to solve a problem.

Just found the ambiance of the sound of the thunderstorm, the little "stealth" mini-game of removing the threat with the thought of the lightning giving my position as well as seeing the carnage in the daylight was a great use of the weather system and how the game makes its own narrative.


West Point Best Point IMO. Tons of great resources and loot. Close to Valley Station and Louisville. The American Tire is very useful for fixing up a trailer and a sweet ride. I like basing up in the three mansions or the hardware store apartment thing near the servo in the center of town.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by trslim@pawb.social to c/projectzomboid@lemmy.world

Im curious to see how you all tailor the game to suit you. I like having an action packed campaign with a lot more arcady-ness than what was probably intended. I play with Insane Zombie pop, normal zombie speed, strength, hearing etc, but no transmission, migration and respawn. I usually set electricity and water to off, one month after the apocalypse with x3 skill gain.

I like making a story where like the Knox Event was contained, and now soldiers are entering the zone to clean up. You were part of the clean up crew, but your helo goes down and you have to start clearing the zone on your own.

How do you all play?

Edit: OH i also play with Helicopter event sometimes and use the enhanced helicopter event mod (one of the few mods I use.) Sure it calls all the zombies, but that FEMA aid is worth it. Plus it makes me feel less lonely knowing someone is out there, even if they are an asshole.

  • So something I have never really used in Zomboid is guns, always collect it and the closest I have used them is unloading and loading during a storm.

I acknowledge guns are powerful, but I rarely see the need to use them when I can peel off stagglers and work my way towards a building without drawing unnecessary attention.

  • I have been bitten enough times to second story and blind corner zomboid campers, but I wish to one day visit a multi-floored building like the hospital

  • Make a cake, the ingredients that are required to make one are usually rotten once I have established myself

  • Deciding to use the starter home as one's home base and secure it

  • Building a home from scratch, which is a long term commitment and requires plenty of resources, but something about it carries a certain charm

  • Actually find a note home as I usually read it and stash it, while forgetting about or being unwilling to commit to a long multi-day journey unless I have made contingencies along the way

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by owatnext@lemmy.world to c/projectzomboid@lemmy.world

Basically title. I have a GOG copy, so I don't gave access to the Steam workshop and am wary of using a random downloader. Nexus only has a handful of mods and I am interested in none of them.

I appreciate any help.

Edit: Apparently the mobile version of the Nexus site only showed me five mods. I looked on my laptop and am now seeing a whole eight pages. Sorry!


I just started the game a few days ago. I have "found out how I died" a lot, but it's fun.

I have a question however: where can I find non tap water? I get lost easily, the map is hard to follow, and I keep dehydrating in the forests when my bottles run empty. I understand I will have to purify it from a fire or something.

Also, how do I eat the wood glue I keep finding in sheds? It looks so tasty.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by Toralv@lemmy.world to c/projectzomboid@lemmy.world

In multiplayer I can't see the same options as in singleplayer. Attached image is from SP. In multiplayer, I can't see e.g. "bleeding Time 1.47".

In the multiplayer world, I have a fracture and I really want to know when it has finished healing. So far it has been 20 days.

I've tried granting admin access level, but the second I enable admin, all my complications gets automatically healed.

Any ideas? I don't mind looking in files/databases, if that's what it takes. Any comment is appreciated!


I don't think I've sunk as much time into any other mechanic in the game as I have with the map. Especially with mods like draw on map and map symbol size changer to do fine details.

I end up using the map for everything, like to-do lists, shopping lists, route planning... I have no idea how I used to play this game before and I never want to go back.

Do you guys like the map too?


Just making some Zomboid discussion about something,

So let me start, what type of weather effects have really taken you a spin?

One of more memorable moments was when I started a run that had unexpected heavy rainstorms, I think it was tropical storms in the first 20 days.

It was horrible having to deal with the monsoon rain and wind with the added danger of a thick fog that lasted most of the day. I made a bee line to north western riverside gas station in the boonies but didn't find much seeds to get myself self suffiecient. Which forced me to take the long travel back to Riverside to resupply. Unfortunately because of the bad weather that started around day 4, added to my paranoia worrying about the helicopter I decided on the was a slow process of moving house to house waiting for the weather to clear a bit before moving on, spending about two days in houses along the way, eating perishable foods, filling water into containers and setting out everything of value out on the floor for future trips.

It was day 7 or 8 when I got to the series of houses that was a few blocks away from the riverside scrap yard and I was doing the the usual prep work wanting to head into town and decided to go to sleep during the day as the weather hadn't let up and thought I would take my chances later hoping for better weather when I wake up. i did this, woke up at night and it still foggy so I decided closed the game for the session.

The next time I started playing, the helicoptor event starts not soon after.... I admit I was not impressed and just saved and quit to get over my frustration until I felt ready to try tough it out - for me it is like waiting for the cautious state to pass from Metal Gear Solid but more intense as I usually don't have much of a plan b. Eventually I go back to play having mentally prepared myself and the helicopter event had finished and to my mixed reaction only had to deal with a few stranglers that were probably drawn by the initial helicopter event starting.

By around day 12 the weather still hasn't improved, and it is still miserable as ever. Unfortunately I didn't screenshot it but I experienced something around, 18:00 game time a series of weather events that was truly horrifying to experience. I just resigned myself to just sitting in a room and when zooming out all I could seeing was just an impenetrable thick fog and heavy rain flying across the screen with my character sitting in a little dark room surrounded by this omnious weather.

That run didn't last too long as it was too much of an uphill battle for me with the weather being so oppressive without me getting settled. It was an especially depressing playthrough that drained my enthusiasm as my paranoia got the better of me fearing getting stranded in riverside in the fog during a thunderstorm

Spiffo is back! (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Chee_Koala@lemmy.world to c/projectzomboid@lemmy.world

But this time.... he's angry.

Ooooh boy! (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Chee_Koala@lemmy.world to c/projectzomboid@lemmy.world

I'm a pretty patient gamer, but the hype for this update keeps building up. So many usefull new items and buildings, I'm gonna love those drying racks <3


Development updates:

  • doors
  • crafting
  • gas levels improvements
  • voice sets
  • animals
  • 4K resolution
  • map improvements
  • clothes improvements and new clothes slots
  • staff updates
Roleplaying? (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Damaskox@lemmy.world to c/projectzomboid@lemmy.world

Have you guys tried roleplaying with your characters (multiplayer)?

Not necessarily through audio but with the game chat function at least!

  • Comment on the events heard/seen on the TV/radio
  • Build up a character personality through their occupation and personality traits and act on them
  • Tell tales of what you have done in the game
  • Discuss about several locations in the game world
  • Go through future prospects, goals, fears...

I tried a little bit with one friend (the others weren't interested) with one line here there. Was fun!

With modded extra animations it could get even more interesting!


I feel like now I've played a bit, I can go through the motions and make my character secure within a week i.e survive the helicopter event, find a car, secure a base, have ample food, water and guns.

For me, the zombies don't really pose a threat any more knowing that I can just make a racket, round them up and pied Piper the fuckers to the nearest forest. I guess I'm waiting for NPCs to really stir things up but that doesn't seem to be in the near future.

What have you guys done to make the game more difficult or entertaining after you got the gameplay loop down?

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