This isn't accurate. What they are saying is, "why isn't anyone shooting Kamala Harris."
Wait, free health care in America?!
Compiler error: missing ')'
I keep one I bought on Amazon in my car. I park illegally and put my boot on to make them think they already got me.
Ext4 is the safe bet for a beginner. The real question is with or without LVM. Generally I would say with but that abstraction layer between the filesystem and disk can really be confusing if you've never dealt with it before. A total beginner should probably go ext4 without LVM and then play around in a VM with the various options to become informed enough to do something less vanilla.
Why insult Conan like this? ;)
It's an old code but it checks out
Crack and cocaine are the same drug! From "Pharmacologically, cocaine and crack are the same substance."
Seat yo self!
Before that there was STFU and sit still. Sadly, this was the era in which I was raised.