Do you think that being in close proximity to a school shooting increases the risk of a school shooting?
Don't worry, plenty of Trekkies don't know/care about what's popular either. That's why we're still making memes about a sixty year old series 🥲
You know that only Israel can stop the violence, right? If Palestine stops fighting, Israel continues the violence until they are eliminated. If Israel stops, then Palestine doesn't have to fight back. It's really very simple.
What does the vet say?? There are no other antibiotics or painkillers available?
Jesus just go hold and comfort your damn dog. Go sleep on the floor with him. You should hope that if you are ever in a situation where you're in too much pain to sleep, literally screaming, and desperate for comfort from the one person your life depends on, that they don't treat you like such a burden.
Your dog is only a part of your life, but you are your dog's WHOLE life. You're enduring a lack of sleep, but your dog is suffering and does not understand why the person he loves so much won't help him feel better.
Instead you're locking him in a cage and trying to drown out his cries. Be better.
Wow, calling it a "wedgie" seriously buries the lede.
I don't think it'd be able to open the other way bc of the ceiling.
ADD used to be a separate diagnosis, but now they classify both as subtypes of ADHD: Primarily Hyperactive or Primarily Inattentive. I'm ADHD-PI and can't relate to stereotypical hyperactivity at all.
Dutch has a lot of good ones!
Hippo: Nile Horse (nijlpaard)
Leopard: Lazy Horse (luipaard)
Sea urchin: Sea Hedgehog (zee egel)
Seal: Sea Dog (zeehond)
Skunk: Stink Animal (stinkdier)
Turtle: Shield Toad (Schildpad)
Slug: Naked Snail (Naaktslak)
Porcupine: Spiky Pig (Stekelvarken)
Edit: formatting
That's only a legal principle - he's not in jail, is he? Individuals and organizations can do whatever they want. It has nothing to do with modern society.
More like what didn't he do. He had a long list of underhanded and ruthless activities and stole most of his "inventions".
I fully believe the dental profession attracts a lot of sadists and freaks. Truly, I have had some horiffic experiences.
I think the previous generations were conditioned to accept it, because the technology and techniques were much more uncomfortable. My parents are impressed as long as the dentist isn't intentionally injuring them, lol.
The best thing I did was switch to a practice for people with dental phobia, and they literally don't do anything special except be very gentle, and make sure you're well anesthesized, and communicate everything, and check in with you frequently, and give plenty of breaks. Like every dentist should do.
People should feel free to be picky about what kind of dentist they see! You can actually have comfortable dental procedures these days!
Oh no, poor guy had literally no choice but to participate in a corrupt system by going into politics and becoming a mayor 😭
Get the fuck outta here.