Donald Trump has aligned himself extremely closely with transphobic groups and policies. He has spread transphobic conspiracies. He has stated his intent to dissolve American democracy when he takes power. It's great that she won her race. For most transgender americans the concern isnt political representation it's their access to healthcare and their safety.
Demoted for illegally kidnapping a child. Wild. Better than nothing I guess.
A big hearty fuck you and fuck off to her. The Overton window has not moved that far. The gap has just widened as the conservative right moves into open fascism.
The accuracy he achieved and in that time period with the information available to him is frankly staggering. The degree of his error is slightly complicated by the stadion not being a historically exact figure, but his calculation showed the Earth to be 252,000 stadia in circumference. Accounting for the variability in the exact length of the stadia dependent on what definition was used in the calculation, that gives us in kilometers 39,060km on the lower end and 40,320km on the upper. The actual circumference of the Earth is 40,075km. This gives him an error range of between -2.4% and +0.8%.
He also didn't just use a stick but used extensive geographic charts to calculate the distance between the 2 cities where he measured the shadow. It was a monumental achievement and is shockingly accurate. I also believe this knowledge was lost to time and for quite a long time after we did not have any measurements even close to this accuracy.
Here is a picture visually demonstrating how he performed his calculation.
because it exposes students to "alternate sexual ideologies." Baggett said she was concerned "a second grader would read this book, and that idea would pop into the second grader's mind… that these are two people of the same sex that love each other."
This is the kind of people we are dealing with. They are literally trying to prevent children from developing accepting attitudes towards minorities. That is their stated goal. It's not often I read such blatant disgusting hatred coming from a teacher. The book she was referencing was And Tango makes three. Which is unbelievable in the context of her statement. Were the penguins, who were real actual penguins, somehow a part of an "alternate sexual ideology"? How badly rotten does your brain have to be to think "sexual ideology" when you see 2 penguins raising a baby together?
This isn't even the worst of it. We haven't forgotten Nazi Germany, nor what the rest of the world did to us once World War 2 ended. They call for us to be forcefully castrated in private, but their true goal is the same as the rest of the organizations throughout history who have come together to "answer the question of the queers.". They want us to be rounded up and shot.
Genocidal organizations such as those that promote conversion therapy should be banned, and individuals within them who promote such things should be prosecuted for hate crimes. But it's become acceptable in the current political climate to ponder if committing acts of violence against us is right or not.
Eh. Rise of fascism is a pretty big deal. Not really an opinion thing either that is factually what he is. The republican party released a document outlining how they plan to implement fascism in the US government.
Racism, Misogyny and transphobia have always come from a similar place and build off of each other. They share the same narratives and the same desire for ostracization and oppression. Bigots will always ally with other bigots, as this hatred is not rational and only someone with similarly irrational hate could support you. Dig enough in bigoted communities and you are certain to find all different kinds of hatred.
That's why TERF communities are infested with homophobia, misogyny, racism, antisemitism and Islamophobia. Over time the concentration of white supremacy and nazism has grown exponentially in terf communities. Nazis share many of the same goals and many of the same conspiracies that terfs do. And prominent terfs like Kelly Jay Keen openly ally with Christian white nationalists around the world.
Geez sure sounds like this real estate market should be like. Heavily controlled and limited by the government. So that objectively good things, like less daily commuting and therefore less greenhouse emissions, can happen without toppling society.
I will never work in an office again. I literally couldn't afford my rent and my food costs if I also had to afford a daily gas expense. I am very much not alone in this.
Neoliberalism is how people think like this. In order to stop the wave of strikes, protests, and violent demonstrations for workers rights the capitalist ruling class started heavily pushing the doctrine that "All acts of violence are always morally wrong". They indoctrinate children into it through the education system and mass media. The intent was to stall the progress of workers rights movements in the long term, and it worked exactly as they intended.
They literally said that letting trans people transition and get gender reassignment surgery will "destroy our nation". Its literally fascist rhetoric. They're banning changing your gender on documents, something only 3000 people have done since 2016. The country has 143 million people.
This is genocidal rhetoric. This is a transparent attempt to promote conspiracies against trans people intending for average people to think "trans people are going to destroy my society" and "trans people are a threat to families and children". It's literal fascist genocidal rhetoric.
The whole of American society is slowly shifting towards widespread acceptance of violence against queer people. Any notion that our society or culture has progressed in any way is fake. It's empty. The post Stonewall era of perceived progress is over. For many queer people, the approach of January 20th is a shadow encroaching on the light of lives we hoped to live. Fear is becoming very commonplace in our communities. There's no mistaking what the people in power plan to do to us. And every day, widespread society shows more and more that that's fine. Any debate that we deserve rights is over. We are a problem for those in power to choose how to get rid of. Our lives are completely at the whims of the state, a state now being handed over to a group of people who delight in our suffering. Who delight in the suffering of children.
I fully expect states like Florida to criminalize being queer as soon as Trump takes office. They will start to raid night clubs and arrest trans people under crossdressing laws and gay people under sodomy laws. Just like they did in the 60s. We will be forced into hiding. We will grow up never understanding who we are or that its okay for people like us to exist. A whole generation of queer children will die because of laws like this. Nothing has changed.