[-] JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works 1 points 4 hours ago

Like smart phones have now bounced to getting larger again, cars used to be big and got smaller because of Korea and gas prices. But then they are getting bigger again because of regulations and showing off.

[-] JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works 4 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago)

Wait till you see the h21!


[-] JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works 8 points 14 hours ago

You have a link or name? Sounds fun!

[-] JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works 12 points 14 hours ago

What is it?

[-] JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works 2 points 2 days ago

Very soon but not giving a date probably means at least a few years.

[-] JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works 23 points 2 days ago

There's private company r&d science and military science as well, even though those aren't academic science with it's peer review and publication.

[-] JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works 19 points 2 days ago

GM doesn't even sell regular cars any more do they? All hatchbacks SUVs and trucks.

[-] JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works 3 points 2 days ago

They allowed to attack military targets in internationally recognized Russia yet? Permission to do that would really help undermine logistics and concentrations.

[-] JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works 2 points 2 days ago

I thought it was taking about concession stand concessions, and was really confused as to how they were vital to the bourgeois patching capitalism. Now I'm more confused.

[-] JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works 11 points 3 days ago

Does the bowling ball ever so slightly increase the gravitational constant because of it's greater mass? Is that what the right guy is getting at?

[-] JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works 24 points 4 days ago

That's why international relations and treaties are hard, since anyone can just decide they don't want to honor them any more. You need to make it enticing for all parties to stay committed somehow.

[-] JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works 44 points 4 days ago

Nope, that's a lot smaller.

Copper complaint

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works to c/stick@sh.itjust.works

Just make sure to return them when you're done! Maybe even add a new one if you find one.

The one I used was very nice. Has a nice heft all the way down, and was very straight.


cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/29486021

cross-posted from: https://lemmit.online/post/2665486

this intricate pattern on a stick found while hiking in sedona, az

This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/mildlyinteresting by /u/delayed_milk on 2024-04-15 04:56:39.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works to c/interestingasfuck@lemmy.world

XiaoHao2 took these pics and videos from across the China boarder with a dgi drone in 2020. They uploaded just recently. Here's some more pics


OnStar reports location and speed data to the car manufacturer. Sometimes they will sell this data to insurance companies to raise your premium, as several news stores pointed out a few weeks ago. I couldn't really find an advantage to OnStar, (I have my phone to call emergency services) so I disabled it by pulling it's fuse.

For my 2019 bolt, it's f31 in the instrument panel fuse box, just down and to the left of the steering wheel. The fuse box cover comes off when you pull it hard from the bottom.

I was able to find which fuse went to OnStar in the owners manual and labeled on the inside of the fuse box cover. You should be able to find it for your model car there too if it uses OnStar.

I did have the casualty of my speaker for calls and texts. I'm not able to use it right now. I'll see if I can dig in and reconnect it somehow, but we'll see.

Who knows that other into they're snitching back to GM, or what they could do in the future, so I recommend disconnecting it. Good luck!

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works to c/spacex@sh.itjust.works

Amazing views, especially for live! I don't think we've ever seen reentry plasma on a live stream before.

PS, does anyone know how to get a direct link to a twitter video? I used to be able to through nitter, but that shut down. I can't figure out how to get twitter videos on lemmy directly now.


Folds down to fit inside a 1kg filament box. Upsidedown let's the complicated moving bits be in the base where there's less vibration. Krylan3D originally designed this to easily take in a backpack back and forth from college, but is now hired and working on designing other 3d printers. So the community has made improvements and made it easier to make yourself. Parts cost about $550.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works to c/dataisbeautiful@lemmy.ml

As you reduce the amount of carbon emissions (the y axis) the methods to keep reducing carbon cost more (the x axis.)

This great graph came to my attention from this video from vlogbrothers. It also has some good explanations of what it means.

Note that carbon capture doesn't really make sense till you've exhausted all the other emission minimizing methods.

Source: https://www.edf.org/revamped-cost-curve-reaching-net-zero-emissions

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works to c/imaginarydragons@leminal.space

Ancalagon the Black, the absolutely gargantuan dragon from the first age of middle earth!

This fantastic artwork is by Ruben de Vela. I think the sense of scale and immense power are remarkable.

But Earendil came, shining with white flame, and about Vingilot were gathered all the great birds of heaven and Thorondor was their captain, and there was battle in the air all the day and through a dark night of doubt. Before the rising of the sun Earendil slew Ancalagon the Black, the mightiest of the dragon-host, and cast him from the sky; and he fell upon the towers of Thangorodrim, and they were broken in his ruin. The Simarilian chapter 24

submitted 4 months ago by JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works to c/memes@sopuli.xyz

It can't be that hard, it's only two questions!

Credit to the original video (as far as I know) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgGAmZ1r7Yg

Which one would you choose? (external-content.duckduckgo.com)

A lightsaber stick or sword stick would also be an acceptable choice

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works to c/dune@lemmy.world

I love the noise it makes and how it manages to look like a helicopter and biology inspired. And the wing folded dive to get to the spice harvester is just fantastic.

On the ground

In the air

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