The Miss "my state" came to sing the national anthem for a big sports event at my job. I took care of the sound for her and we chatted a little bit. She was constantly barraged by guys coming up and wanting a picture with her, so we didn't get to have too much of a conversation. She sang the anthem, and was moving on to her next engagement and I said glad to meet you and was about to go back to the rest of my job. She stopped me and said " but we didn't get a picture together!" I told her it was ok, I understand that it's part of her job. She insisted and handed HER phone to someone walking by and insisted they take a picture of us. After they returned her phone she looked me in the eye and asked for my phone number so she could send it to me. I have a wonderful girlfriend and I would never cheat on her, but miss "my state" asked ME for my number, and I have been walking on air ever since.
The most important thing I ever realized, if I want to compliment a woman, you never compliment her on her features, you compliment her on her choices. "Hey you look cute" is automatically going to put her hackles up. "Hey, I really like your dress" is a neutral statement you can make that doesn't make you a danger. Which is what most women view men as after a lifetime of being treated as prey.
Source: three daughters
I want Americans (I am one), to start saying aluminium so badly
I am not trans, and I hope I'm not intruding, but I love the support shown in this community so much. I hope it spreads. You people are amazing, thank you!
Planescape: torment. Just do it
I think it was the same intern that accidentally told Hawaii it was about to be hit by an icbm
I just want to say thank you to OP. I am going out and treating myself to all the stuff little me wanted
Eat it. They can't be taught. Cull the herd
Old man checking in here. Yuffie from ff7 was the most aggravating character ever
I won't diss other car brands, but Toyota is the the only brand I'll spend money on...after a bajillion years of them being at the top of the dependability list, why would you choose anything else?
True strike givs bonus to attack based on spellcasting stat
I already have it, but I like the way you're trying to be a positive force. Thank you for being generous, you're awesome. I hope that you have every experience that makes you happy