This would ideally become standardized among web servers with an option to easily block various automated aggregators.
Regardless, all of us combined are a grain of rice compared to the real meat and potatoes AI trains on - social media, public image storage, copyrighted media, etc. All those sites with extensive privacy policies who are signing contracts to permit their content for training.
Without laws (and I'm not sure I support anything in this regard yet), I do not see AI progress slowing. Clearly inbreeding AI models has a similar effect as in nature. Fortunately there is enough original digital content out there that this does not need to happen.
They could have gone with a "visor" frame design that would have been more fashionable, but I think this is pretty impressive for demonstrating the bare minimum amount of plastic needed to house holographic transparent displays, internal/external tracking sensors, and a sound system.
What they claim these glasses can do is absolutely incredible (we won't really know because they are only being used internally for further development).