[-] Zero22xx 9 points 3 weeks ago

Judging this guy by the rest of the company he's in as far as these Cybertrucks go, I wonder how "open to differences" he is towards other people.

[-] Zero22xx 8 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)


Just want to say, seeing this can be helpful and encouraging to people who are questioning and scared of saying or doing the wrong things. At least it was for me. There was a particular person I was following on social media that described herself as a 'transfem enby', who was probably the most instrumental in making me come to terms with myself, who listed all four of these pronouns. And seeing all of those pronouns made me think, "Oh, so the rules aren't so black and white and this isn't actually so scary and intimidating after all. I am valid in how I feel, even if I'm actually fine with any pronouns."

Of course, I've now seen 'any' listed as pronouns many times but when you're not in these circles yet, you're ignorant and go by what you see in media representation etc. Concepts that seem obvious to me now would've been beyond me before.

[-] Zero22xx 9 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Uh, I thought that was already made clear when Facebook decided they needed to remove fact checking in order for right wing voices to be heard. For anyone without functional ears and eyes and brains to have been able to see how these people operate long before, that is.

[-] Zero22xx 9 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

Maybe you're a bot, maybe not. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here.

And my answer is no, absolutely not. You are in fact very pretty based on this one bad photo. And your face looks perfectly normal as far as proportions go.

School fucking sucks. And I'm willing to take a wild guess that your low self esteem already makes interacting with people difficult for you right from the start, before they've even said anything. So I'm willing to bet that at least 50% of your troubles here are your own thoughts bringing you down.

But as for the other 50%, you don't need to please shitty, immature people. And don't worry too much about the boys either. From stats I've seen, there's a good chance they listen to people like Andrew Tate in their spare time. So you're probably not missing much lol. If you're 17, sounds like you're pretty close to finishing up with the place where you're forced to be around people that you don't vibe with.

Trust me, when school is over, that's when you'll get to meet your people, people that don't make you feel like shit. And as far as relationships go, you'll have a higher chance of meeting decent people that you actually want to be with. The only people that say school years are the best years of your life are the people who peaked there. So hang in there.

[-] Zero22xx 8 points 4 weeks ago

As someone that stopped watching WWE years ago, never watched much AEW but saw this all happening online, the Cody Rhodes thing makes me feel like I woke up in a parallel universe one day. I've always liked the guy but never in my wildest dreams would've thought of him as a top tier babyface and someone that gets to beat Brock Lesnar clean. Especially neck tattoo Cody Rhodes, I honestly thought he was shooting himself in the foot with that move. Obviously not though.

[-] Zero22xx 9 points 4 weeks ago

I'm South African and from where I'm standing, both New Zealand and Australia seem to be popular places to move to. I'm not going to claim that most white South Africans aren't conservative bigots because I would be lying. But there are also a lot of good reasons to leave this place, I'm afraid.

My sister lives in NZ (for no reason other than she met her now husband who is a Kiwi while traveling overseas after school). And after being there for a visit, it's hard to put into the words how it feels to experience a country where things are actually run well. And there's no trash anywhere. And even the toilets are modern and efficient (something I noticed because there was a drought in South Africa at the time so I was watching flushes). And you can walk down the road with headphones on, listening to music on your phone without looking over your shoulder in case you get mugged (which I have been 3 times now).

Coming back to South Africa and driving down a road filled with trash and stray dogs, I could actually almost physically see and feel the black cloud coming over me again. And it hits me hard because having spent my childhood in the '90s when Mandela had been released and the ANC was taking over, I had huge hope back then. As a child, I bought into the hype hard. And one Jacob Zuma later, it's all fucked.

But yeah, fuck these racist farmers. I'm gonna sound a bit heartless here but I went to boarding school in a conservative shithole one horse town. And wherever a farm murder occurred (which was twice or three times over the course of me being there I think), there was never a time where there weren't whispers about how those farmers treated their workers like borderline sub humans. I'm not condoning murder but I think our society will be better off without the people who live like it's still 1980 and apartheid.

I wouldn't want them to go to the USA though because I like a lot of Americans and they've already got their own backwards hillbilly confederates to deal with. I don't think it's fair that they get more.

[-] Zero22xx 9 points 4 weeks ago

I loved it. I actually rewatched the whole '90s cartoon and immediately followed it up with this and honestly, I thought it picked up and continued the same vibe perfectly. Just slightly more mature and with better quality sound and animation.

And it made the anti woke grifters crying about their ruined childhoods look like the frauds they are because if they really watched it in their childhoods, they would know that metaphors about discrimination are about as subtle as a brick to the face.

Honestly a lot of '90s cartoons were 'woke' af. These people just became the villains, the fucking Friends of Humanity, without even realising it. Or they do realise it and they're just trying to poison the minds of their mostly child audience.

That all aside, I'm looking forward to X-Men '98, assuming they're planning on doing more.

[-] Zero22xx 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I think there's about 3 different communities in Blåhaj that are for asexual, aromantic, agender people, or combinations thereof.

There appears to be no active asexual community

This seems to be a hurdle that Lemmy needs to get over in general. Communities are inactive because any new users checking them out see no activity and go elsewhere. So it's a catch 22 or vicious circle or whatever. I'm guilty of this too.

But really, these communities will never become active if everyone keeps doing this. It has to start somewhere. I'm willing to bet that if you choose one of the Blåhaj communities, you'll probably get responses from other people that have been waiting for more activity too.

[-] Zero22xx 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

can't function in society where random individuals can freely reject their statements, so they need the internet to hide away from life.

Show me where in real life are random individuals able to interrupt your conversations with friends and like-minded people without being told to fuck off or punched in the face? People like you keep peddling this idea that we're all supposed to 'meet in the middle' at all times with bigots that think we don't deserve human rights, or else we're the bad ones. Fuck off, what does the 'middle' of respecting rights or not respecting rights even look like. And real life doesn't fucking work like that anyway.

I would not hang out with inbred supremacist 'alpha' fucking idiots even if you paid me. And I would not welcome them into my home or my social circles. You're free to speak but that doesn't mean that I have to fucking listen.

[-] Zero22xx 9 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I feel like fucking rioting now lol. Hopefully one of these days there's enough of us here that see red over this shit to do exactly that.

[-] Zero22xx 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Going to be a bit negative but this is something that's kinda annoyed me about Android in the last few years. BREAKING: new shortcut available! And then there's the articles and breaking news for them doing shit like changing the design of the clock slightly every now and then.

What annoys me about all of this is that the very first Android phone that I had, the S4 Mini, that started out on Android 4.3, had custom firmwares around that allowed you to customise every shortcut with anything and choose from multiple styles of clock. Amongst other things.

Which tells me that the folks working on Android could easily make things more customisable but they choose not to so that we can get these articles going on about how awesome a new shortcut is and they get to look like they're always working on these new 'innovations'.

They're running out of ways to add extra cameras, so now they're acting like adding a new shortcut to a button that should've been more configurable in the first place is some sort of technological breakthrough.

[-] Zero22xx 8 points 1 month ago

It has been eye opening to say the least, how easily people are whipped up by obvious propaganda, as long as it gives them something to hate.

Even as far away as here in South Africa, I've come across people that have been clearly listening to Jordan Peterson or Joe Rogan or some shit; who want to 'chat' about transgender people.

As if it even concerns them in the first place. And as if being transgender is some sort of fad, and not talking about a miniscule percentage of people who are just trying to live their lives without bothering anybody. Because this 'fad' must be happening in some other town from what I can see. With my eyes. While not listening to self important 'gurus' on the podcast or some shit.

I just want to say that it has nothing to do with being transgender and it could've been any easy to single out group. People like to hate and look down on something different that they don't understand in order to feel superior in some way in their own shitty lives.

But I feel like that's empty and useless to say to someone while they're being actively targeted. Like telling a bullying victim to just suck it up because their bully has a bad home life or some shit.

So really all I can say is that I'm sorry this is happening to you. And that I wish there was a way to offer support other than with just words. Like a new country or island where the people are enlightened and not prejudiced, hateful and easily turned by easy to spot slimeballs.

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