[-] Jericho_Kane@lemmy.org 27 points 2 weeks ago

Air force one and air force two hit eachother mid air 10 hour ASMR to fall asleep to.

[-] Jericho_Kane@lemmy.org 14 points 2 weeks ago

I just want to see a lifehack that doesn't make my eyes roll.

[-] Jericho_Kane@lemmy.org 19 points 3 weeks ago

I remember back when you would read every day a new headlin on how they really got him now. Making hell for him apparently means not kissing his feet.

[-] Jericho_Kane@lemmy.org 56 points 3 weeks ago

I always thought how funny it would be on a christmas dinner where a 20 year old is present who's job is being a sreamer or content creator. And all the elderly people try to understand what his job is. His parents preassure him into showing them some of his "craft", so they stand around his pc while he yells slurs into his microphone

[-] Jericho_Kane@lemmy.org 25 points 1 month ago

I once saw this in a smaller scale and it kinda blew me away. I had a friend who worked on construction for a small company with maybe 8 employees and their boss. He woked a lot. He made some good money, but not compared to the work they did. The boss took so much work all the time, that they sometimes worked from 6am untill 10pm. Saturdays as well. At some point he couldn't pay them overtime, but promised to pay them asap. (And he did, but like 10 years later.) One saturday, we had some plans and i told him that i would pick him up at his workplace and we could go directly from there. When i picked him up his boss showed off his brand new mercedes AMG to his crew. And everyone was just talking about how cool his new car was, and he needs a car like that to pull his new huge boat. Literally no one was like: "waaaait a minute."

[-] Jericho_Kane@lemmy.org 53 points 1 month ago

I met a girl on tinder who believed and "teached" the goapel of andrew tate. So nothing is impossible.

[-] Jericho_Kane@lemmy.org 20 points 1 month ago

It's actually really easy to not be a nazi.

[-] Jericho_Kane@lemmy.org 16 points 1 month ago

I'd look like that too if i went from stupit rich to mega stupid rich

[-] Jericho_Kane@lemmy.org 19 points 1 month ago

That can't be, teslas never break and don't need maintenance. Many people said it, smart people

[-] Jericho_Kane@lemmy.org 19 points 1 month ago

It has been used by punk bands and Anarchists waaay before that

[-] Jericho_Kane@lemmy.org 35 points 1 month ago

He loses nothing tho, it's the american people he's pissing on.

[-] Jericho_Kane@lemmy.org 31 points 1 month ago

No wonder he loves the uneducated

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