With the sales numbers Tesla currently has, it’s P/E ratio will probably get worst and less revenue will eventually bring the stocks’ price down. That is if markets start being rational about this company and they haven’t been since 2018 for $TSLA. I can’t wait for this company to crash and burn.
Was also about to comment this. Amazon already has the money from the gift card purchase. Not spending it would technically leave Amazon with more profits. Try to find Canadian products there and use only the money from the gift card. Thanks for doing that : )
Thanks for visiting! I’m happy you enjoyed your stay. I’m from Québec and I love hearing people enjoy it : )
That’s all good! I hope he enjoys it ^^
I live in the mtl suburbs and I very rarely hear quebecers. Even Anglo people say québécois
C’est vrai, quebecers always sounds wrong to me for some reason. Québécois is the original, so idk I think it should just be québécois in English without any translations
It’s awful. I’d love to see a system closer to Germany’s
If this is still available, I’d love to have it. Could you share it? Thank you.
Urgh disgusting. Glad to see the EU and Canada step up now more than ever.
I agree 100%.
It’s totally a business deal to have a sponsor just like the iPads for the reviews by teams. But it’s still pretty cool and could have some use cases. A little vibration to know it’s back to even strength isn’t much, but could help the ref continue to look at the play and not have to check that little thing. Can’t be too hopeful, but maybe some automation could help better officiating.
Oui francophone, mais on peut être bilingue si y’a assez de gens qui sont intéressé. Mais je vais personnellement poster en français à 99%. Si tu es intéressé de rejoindre la communauté, ça super super chouette. : )