[-] PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@vlemmy.net 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yep. Now I just know all the shit I failed to do today :\

[-] PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@vlemmy.net 31 points 1 year ago

Would you like to provide those receipts?

[-] PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@vlemmy.net 33 points 1 year ago

set up shop on an instance

Don't do that. You probably should have multiple accounts on different instances. If you really need a continuous, single identity, post links to all your usernames in each.

This is why the move from Reddit was so difficult for Redditors: because we put all our eggs into Reddit Inc's basket. All our content is under Reddit's control. This analysis can be applied to any centralized social media service. If your instance shits the bed or bans itself from everyone else, you can move somewhere else. You can start your own in the worst case. It's annoying, but at least there is a real path to move on.

We shouldn't be putting our eggs in any one basket. We shouldn't have been doing it before the Fediverse, and we shouldn't be doing it here either. Your social media access should not be dependent on the goodwill of one person or entity. Eventually, that entity will corrupt.

Also, I'm on vlemmy.net. Right now, they haven't defederated from anyone, and I believe we're still not banned from Beehaw or anyone else. If you really want the whole Fediverse (and you probably don't), make an account on vlemmy or one of the top three instances on this page.

Why don't you have a second account?

Lazy. Don't care if my shit gets fucked. But if you do care if your shit gets fucked, then you shouldn't rely on centralized social media.

[-] PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@vlemmy.net 12 points 1 year ago

Yeah, it was and is a lot easier than desktop usage. I am lying in bed right now typing this with my phone while my desktop is playing YouTube videos. I am too lazy to pick up my keyboard and type this out.

I tried out the Reddit app for a few days during the protests, and it just fucking sucked. It was slow, buggy, and not customizable. Even in dark mode, it was too bright and gaudy for my tastes. And I had to install extra software to disable ads.

I used RiF, which was a bit like a more mature Jerboa with some features like swipe to hide posts, built-in username switching, saving post/comment drafts, and well-done integrations for embedded images and webpage links. Links I click in Jerboa currently appear in my browser history, whereas RiF opened up its own browser. Hopefully, Jerboa will add a WebView option.

More importantly, I felt like Rif was text based, as any Reddit client should be. The Reddit app uses icons where RiF would use a text field. As someone who has put in the time to learn how to read, and used that skill continuously for over two decades, it is annoying to have to freshly learn an app's specific, increasingly abstract icons when we already have the ability to read text.

I came to Reddit for the in-depth text posts and comments. The meme communities were a nice side thing, but I was really there for the long posts, and to dump long posts of my own.

IMO, the standard Lemmy web app has more features implemented than Jerboa right now. However, I want to keep my Lemmy/Reddit history separate from my ordinary browsing. For both sites, the app allows my browser not to get cluttered with Reddit links. Jerboa currently opens up a canned tab of one of my browsers, but the browser doesn't get info about every post I open on Lemmy, so it still does have a great deal of utility.

IMO Lemmy is really well designed from the ground up. The web app is pretty good, but I would simply rather not use it in my browser if I don't have to.

Apparently, Reddit's app and web interface were additionally inaccessible for blind people to use, so they resorted to 3rd party apps (although I don't think RiF was one of their typical choices). Reddit has allowed a few select non-commercial accessibility-focused apps to use their API for free, but I think that the status of serving NSFW content to these 3rd party apps is tenuous. The concern was that for all practical purposes, Reddit unilaterally decided that blind people could not interact with NSFW content. Now I just checked /r/gonewild, an established porn sub, and /r/erotic literature, a text-based erotica sub, on RedReader. So far, it is fetching new content for both subs. However, I have not checked any other apps (other than RiF, which is just completely dead) or subs. Anyone with more perspective on the current situation for blind users, please reply.

Lastly, I didn't moderate any communities on Reddit, but apparently, moderating through the Reddit app or their modern interface sucked. Somehow, the 3rd party apps had much better tools than Reddit's own app.

For me, RiF was the "frontpage of the internet". I'll miss it, but Lemmy has given me hope for the future of the internet for basically the first time in my life. Jerboa is currently the primary way that I access Lemmy, so I am rooting for it's success, as well the other Lemmy apps and Kbin.

[-] PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@vlemmy.net 6 points 1 year ago

I can already imagine it being used in a phrase with something about jumping off cliffs and being brainless followers and whatnot.

Yeah I'm okay with that. It'll keep us humble when we inevitably screw up.

Can I add pills? (vlemmy.net)

So I take fluoxetine for depression and anxiety. I need to take 40mg a day. I have enough 40mg pills to get through the week, but I also have a bunch of 20mg pills. They are both delayed-release capsules. The difference is basically the dose. I can schedule a psychiatrist appointment to get a refill, but that requires a phone call... which means I'm going to put it off as long as possible. That's definitely what smart people do.

I know how math works, e.g. that 40mg = 20mg + 20mg = 2×20mg. I'm asking whether two 20mg pills will work like one 40mg pill. If not, would I get more or less medicine, and would I get it in the same time?

More generally, if you have X pills and you need to take kX (k a positive integer) pills, can I take X k times and expect the same result as taking a kX pill?

[-] PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@vlemmy.net 19 points 1 year ago

Feels very validating to see that everyone else's Python is held together by a thread too.

[-] PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@vlemmy.net 6 points 1 year ago

A lot of people don't really understand computers. We mostly know how to manipulate the user interface (UI) to get the computer to do what we want, but if you switch up the icons or install a new desktop environment, I guarantee you that 99% of users will be completely lost.

This is because the UI abstracts the complex process of running a computer so that the user can just think about getting things done. The user doesn't need to know what it means to "go to the start menu and click the Notepad app." Practically, this is Windows-speak for "open the default text editor". However, if you take a Windows user and drop them into a Linux and ask them to open up the default text editor, they probably won't know how to do that unless a Windows-like desktop environment is chosen.

Basically, a lot of people don't "know how to use Reddit" so much as that they know how to get the Reddit website to do what they want it to. Lemmy is even slightly different than Reddit, cosmetically different. Although we usually use the phrase "cosmetically different" to imply that the difference is not important, because we rely on GUIs to understand computers, cosmetic differences are really important in UIs.

Go look for posts on Lemmy discussing Jerboa and the other apps. The apps mostly differ in how the user is able to interact with the site. They should all have the full functionality of Lemmy (or are working towards it), but the ways of presenting that functionality to the user are different.

One of the most important groups that moved to the Threadiverse were the blind community. It is because of the inaccessible user interface in the Reddit app that they decided to move over.

And let me be very clear that the fact that computers abstract away their complexity is very much a good thing. That's why we have computers: to do tedious, complex work automatically and simply. Not everyone needs to be a computer expert, but I do think that developers need to resist the urge to make cosmetic changes that don't improve functionality. I realize that this is an ill-defined tall order. Regardless, we need to be aware that most people don't know how computers work.

I think that, in order to get people joining our communities, we should try to be compassionate and helpful when it comes to users learning how to use site. Actually, this is a special case of my more general position that we should try to be compassionate and helpful in the face of people who are confused and trying to learn, whatever the subject. I know it can be hard; if I'm being honest, I have a bad habit of getting annoyed at people who don't look like their listening. But we need to unlearn that.

[-] PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@vlemmy.net 42 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It seems there's a lot of discussion about getting rid of tipping, but I don't know how much has changed in this regard.

Nothing has changed, and it never will, as it concerns poor and "therefore" "deserving" people. Americans' talk is cheap.

The system seems ridiculously unfair, and that extra expense in a country where everything is already so expensive really makes a difference.

Agreed. So when you go to a restaurant and you have a maximum amount you can spend, divide the amount of money you have by (100% + local sales tax), then divide by (100% + the menu price), and subtract any surcharges added by the restaurant (assume $5.00 if you cannot look it up), often masquerading as a tip. I know it's a lot of math, but you have a computer in your pocket. You'll manage.

In my view, the US is a fractal scam. At every level, everything is an attempt to extract money from ill-informed "suckers", from the running of the government, to the prices of supermarket groceries, to the tipping culture at restaurants, to even finding a place to put your car [1]. Every single thing is someone's grift. In order to function in America, you need to be willing to be suckered to some extent. There's no way around it. Unfairness is baked into every transaction, and increasingly more social interactions.

Everything in America is ridiculously unfair. We wear this on our sleeves, and for many Americans this fact defines their personality. Unfortunately, you will have to deal with it in the short term at least.

Now if you would like to be the one to lead the charge against the tipping culture and the foisting of responsibility for servers' compensation onto the customer, then be my guest. Refuse to tip and make a big scene about it. Make plans for how to take the inertia of your big struggle and turn it into a mass movement. I would thrilled to join you. However, I somehow doubt that you're ready to go that far; none of the customers who stiffed me ever went on to start anti-tipping movements.

So will AITA if I don't tip?

Yes. You are expected by all members of the public here to tip. That is our culture, something we're proud of for some reason, and our expectation. For some servers, tips are the primary source of income at work.

Is it really my personal responsibility to make sure my server is paid enough?

No, it is the responsibility of the employer. However, when no employer takes their responsibility and you sit yourself down at a restaurant, the logical conclusion is that either you pay that part of the server's wages, or they get stiffed. You know that this is the conclusion. (Or if not, now you do.)

If you want to participate in our unique restaurant scam, you gotta accept that you're going to get suckered into paying the server's wages. Otherwise, don't go to restaurants. When you go to a restaurant, you waste the employees' finite time on this planet doing tedious, physically and mentally demanding bullshit that no sane person would choose to engage with, if not faced with the threats of homelessness and starvation. [2] At least make it worth their while.

Sorry if I come off as having a chip on my shoulder, but that's only because I totally do. So many customers used to concern-troll me as a pizza delivery person and give me shit like "sorry, couldn't afford to tip, they should really pay you more." Yeah, they should, but you absolutely could have tipped; all you had to do was order one less topping. I'd love to see some actual solidarity with food service employees, but that would require challenging deep-rooted assumptions about our culture and we're too shit-for-brains to do that. Americans are so compassionate and empathetic until the moment they actually have to lift a finger.

So when someone brings up "unfairness" or "it's X's responsibility to pay the workers" in response to tipping, I just kinda die a little inside from all the times those sentiments have been used against me and my colleagues.

[1] And don't even get me started on the process of buying a car, or how the public was scammed into accepting a car-centric infrastructure.

[2] This is really a special case of the logic behind the antiwork movement: nobody actually wants to go to work. We only go to work under the threats of starvation and homelessness imposed by capitalism.

[-] PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@vlemmy.net 9 points 1 year ago

I'm more or less a milquetoast anarcho-communist.

[-] PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@vlemmy.net 8 points 1 year ago

If you need to use VS Code, download VS Codium instead. The product offered by Microsoft is licensed under a not-FOSS license, even though the vscode source is FOSS. More importantly, VS Code sends tracking and telemetry data to Microsoft!

[-] PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S@vlemmy.net 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Classical liberalism, libertarianism, and anarchism are absolutely not interchangeable.

Liberalism is a group of related ideologies that descend from (or claim to draw from) Western Enlightenment thinkers. Classical liberals are people who claim to represent the views of those thinkers, in contrast with the modern generation of liberals who will pay lip service to modern notions of social welfare. Classical liberals typically advocate for free markets, low/no taxes especially for the wealthy, and "limited" government in the sense that it is only limited in their authority to help the poor and downtrodden [1].

Libertarianism is a term used for several movements and ideologies. Without qualification, I feel like it has little use. The original usage of the word was in relation to early libertarian leftism [4]. However, the current usage of the word is for """libertarian""" capitalists. Their ideology retains private property, but calls for the nominal abolition or reduction of government power.

Anarchism is, in my view, the label applying to those ideologies and movements that oppose all forms of authority and hierarchy. In my opinion, a consistent anarchist ought to oppose liberal democracy and liberal political systems in general. Liberals are creatures of the right because they don't oppose capitalism and usually don't oppose hierarchy on principle. Liberals have a historical tendency to betray movements that are too hostile towards their status quo, even if that means siding with obvious bigots who would kill them if given the chance. "Scratch a liberal, and a fascist bleeds." [2]

Some people use the term "libertarian socialist" (or "communist" depending on their economic beliefs) to denote those socialists (or communists) who believe in opposing authority and hierarchy, but believe that full abolition of the state is impractical. We otherwise draw from the same thinkers. Basically, all anarchist socialists [3] are libertarian socialists, but some libertarian socialists may not strictly be anarchists (but many are).

In my view, the error that "rank and file" liberals make is in taking the words of Enlightenment philosophers out of context (assuming they're arguing in good faith, which is usually a generous assumption). This causes them to inherit the biases of those philosophers, and this is especially true about classical liberals who distinctly seek out an outdated liberal perspective that doesn't challenge their bigotry. This "useful idiot" property of liberals is exploited by capitalists to create ideologues who apologize for capitalism, and by fascists who exploit liberals' aversion to change to oppose socialist movements.

Make no mistake: liberalism is the ideology of capital, and liberal writings from at least the previous century onward should be regarded as obvious capitalist propaganda. That being said, I'm not of the opinion that we need to dispose of all Enlightenment thought, but we must read into these ideals with a great deal of skepticism and context.

[1] This is not meant to imply that the State is even designed to help the poor, or that state welfare is the be-all end-all solution to poverty. However, as a stopgap measure, government welfare is better than literally nothing, although not equivalent to genuine mutual aid or building communities.

[2] I don't mean that liberals are all outright fascists. What that expression really says is that in times of distress, liberals will side with fascists before liberation movements. However, even in comfort, liberal perspectives are...kinda wack, because they're so obviously trying to justify oppression.

[3] For various reasons, including historical atrocities committed by self-identified socialists and arguments that socialist frameworks, even those that guarantee freedom, are themselves hierarchies that need to be dismantled, not every anarchist identifies as a socialist or even a leftist. Personally, I don't think that socialist frameworks are inherently hierarchical, but I understand that even supposedly "anarchist" societies have the possibility to develop hierarchies and injustice if we become complacent, and that we should be continuously re-evaluating our relationship with the rest of the Left.

[4] EDIT: replaced "communism" with "leftism", removed "e.g. direct transition to stateless, classless, moneyless society".


I hope this is a good place to post this.

Corporations need to make money, you know.

No they don't, and I'm tired of pretending they do!

I've read this argument all over the Fediverse from ex-Redditors debating the objectives of the protests in response to the API changes, usually justifying why Reddit should charge a "low" fee to use their API.

I personally fled Reddit partially because the API changes will kill the app I used to browse. I'll admit that my departure is not fully principled. But what made me pull the trigger was the realization that the protest was doomed because of the moderate, business-friendly goals it sought to achieve, and the lack of voices demanding something better. Put simply: it doesn't ask for much. It seems like Redditors are okay with a gradual enshittification, but not a sudden one.

Even if spez backs down and decides to price the API at a level that the current Reddit developers accept, the fact that it costs anything means that someone cannot afford to begin developing a 3rd party Reddit app.

I feel like there's a tacit "fuck-you-I-got-mine" attitude from large developers advocating for "cheap" API as opposed to free [1] API. If they're not actively throwing new developers under the bus, then they are at least apathetic to their situation.

Corporations and the executives that run them are blood-sucking leeches on the backs of the people who actually build and maintain technology. The goal of the executive is to bring as much value into the company as possible, whereas the goals of tech workers are varied, but generally center around developing a product or service to be useful to customers. The lie of liberalism is that these goals are never in opposition, and that the goals of the executive are actually the goals of developers (and workers in general) in disguise, under the assumption that the average person is too stupid to earn their freedom.

The Reddit blackout has furnished an excellent example where "enshittifying" their platform to make more money off advertising goes directly against the goal to make a nice, usable platform for discussion. The executives clearly control Reddit, because the path thought to maximize profit is the one being uncompromisingly taken.

But I/they won't build any new technologies and progress will stagnate if I/people can't get rich.

Good. Don't let the door hit you/them on the way out. Let's bring in people who don't want to be there out of tech. Disinterested people are the hardest to work with, because they're always dragging their feet.

If that means all technology disappears forever, then that's fine, because it would mean that our usage of technology was forced in the first place. This outcome strikes me as unlikely. I know damn well that I practically rely on stateful devices to remember things.

I'm currently teaching myself how to write audio plugins with the goal to give them out as FOSS, amongst other endeavors that, to an outside observer, look like "work." I'm not at all interested in getting rich or generating profit. If profit is a precondition for your participation in a project, I'd love to take that burden off your hands.

But people need to eat.

Yes, and that should have nothing to do with a person's ability to contribute to technology. I know that there are a lot people who would just lie in bed eating Doritos all day if all their other needs would be taken care of, but I am most certainly not one of those people.[2] Honestly, I don't think that people would just chill on their couches for their entire lives, but for academic purposes we must consider the possibility that people are all "that lazy". If that is the fate of human kind, then that outcome indicates that apparently we were all being forced to work anyways, so fine by me.

People should be paid for their work

People should unconditionally have access to resources to stay alive. Under capitalism, this is unfortunately tied to your productive output and the time you sacrifice to your employer or customer. In my view, it is still important to make it worth someone's time, because it is (can be understood as) a strictly finite and non-renewable resource that is by definition required to live. However, there are many ways to make things worth people's time that aren't contingent on imposing a capitalist system upon people. Furthermore, people often do actually do things seemingly out of the kindness of their hearts for no obvious rewards. Liberalism forgets that some things other than making money are actually fun or important for their own sake. For example, I imagine that most of are here to talk to other people, profitability be damned.

So no, corporations do not need to make money, because corporations don't need to exist. In my view, corporations ought not exist, but accepting merely that they don't inherently need to exist is enough to follow along.

They don't need to advertise to us either. Again, my view is more like "I'm not interested in buying what you're selling, even if I am," but it is enough to accept that advertisements are not inherently necessary. I'm not at all against public notices or promoting products, ideas, or services you believe in, but cramming such promotions into every nook and cranny of my existence is something I'm absolutely fed up with. Public notices need not be intrusive!

Although the Fediverse cannot be completely free of corporate bullshit as long as corporations exist, the decentralized structure of federation allows us to freely associate with (and by extension disassociate from) the people and groups we choose, because anyone can host an instance with their own rules. If we can get people and communities onto the Fediverse, this would represent a tremendous shift in the power to curate information away from corporations.

Because fuck corporations, and fuck their profits too. And I'm tired of talking around that impulse.

[1] By free, I really mean it as in "free as in beer" in this context. However, as a programmer and anarchist, I think that a fully FOSS API would be easier to work with for separate reasons. Even though the goal of an API in particular is to abstract away the details, I still want to understand what's going on under the hood in case it's doing stuff I don't want.

[2] Well, maybe kind of. I love Doritos and I'm lying in bed right now. But I have a strong desire to move and create stuff after resting for some time, hopefully soon...

LOKUST // VILIFIED (youtube.com)

Death/thrash. Apparently they were an instrumental group until recently. Pumped for their new album regardless.


Like Deathspell Omega with a hardcore streak.


Death metal with industrial and noise influences. This is pure rage and negativity.


Found this while browsing unknown bands on YouTube. Good shit.

view more: next ›


joined 1 year ago