That looks like m855 in the picture and it’s penetrator is steel, not tungsten…
You can’t use xscreensaver on wayland.
Go get involved and you’ll see pretty quick how people generally handle organizing. They’ll be some kind of low stakes event like a reading or art gallery or concert or something and people will say “come out to this protest tomorrow”.
If there’s a signal or something it’s not usually a necessary link.
All that is to say: don’t use computers to organize. If you want to use social media to raise awareness of an event that’s a different thing altogether.
God bikeshare ebikes suck so much.
Hello, I’d like your worst frame with the cheapest motor, smallest wheels, wrong kind of tires, a sprocket with a non whole number of teeth and uhhhhh lemmie get two years of no maintenance other than a hose off and some touch up paint.
Honestly I think you’re right. A person making the choice about what to own free from any other constraints would be thinking like you. I think Chinas right to push people towards using lead acid on e-bikes in the face of lithium scarcity and trade restrictions too.
It’s just two different situations that indicate different choices.
Apropos of nothing, are you seeing usbc e-bike battery charging coming down the pike? I was seeing some rumblings a few years ago last time I built one.
It’s one technique used to hide and move money all the time.
A different way is to buy some asset in the destination nation then sell it when you arrive. So like a bond or an etf share or something.
If it’s an asus ee, the vents are all on the sides. With a couple of shims underneath it would fit in a bookshelf with a bunch of other books.
As far as uses… nat hole punching for an overlay network is one way I’ve used these devices before.
If you’re planning to leave with enough time, register a business or trust or something, transfer your money to a shell company, repeat as necessary then transfer it to the place you’re trying to go.
Use the tools of the people with money not the tools of people who get patted down for loose change by the tsa.
Businesses don’t respond to “minor” shoplifting because of an impact to their bottom line. Retail has an idea called “float” that’s meant to account for all the losses not covered elsewhere by spoilage, damage, actual confirmed theft, etc and its always an order of magnitude larger than the volume of loss from shoplifting.
The response to shoplifting is primarily driven by insurance costs. It’s why the corner store down the street might hire some goon to stand around during peak hours and places that have to negotiate with insurance on millions of square footage spread over tens of thousands of locations tip the scales of local policy.
If they don’t do something about the “shoplifting problem”(not a problem, not a serious impact to their bottom line), their insurance plan that covers all the stores for hundreds of millions in damages and costs as much in premiums is null and void.
Okay but here’s why it won’t do what you’re asking about specifically: because not only does your shoplifting not impact the bottom line, the stores claiming there’s a shoplifting problem and then using their insurance premiums to justify draconian measures were already planning on implementing those draconian measures before they came up with the idea of shoplifting.
Pushing security system upgrades across the board outfits all stores with high definition cameras and rack mount processing equipment that can do object, facial and gait recognition. It creates a stream of data that the store has complete ownership of and can use for whatever it wants. It’s the first step to reversing one area that big box retail has lost ground to online retail in: custom pricing.
Custom pricing is arguably more powerful in the physical domain. Websites adopted it because getting people to buy shit they didn’t really want was already so hard that they said “shit, we got all this data, hey Jim, go infer what price this person will buy this stuff at!” And it worked.
Physical retailers don’t have the convenience of letting you shop from your couch, but they do have a much higher conversion rate (that’s how often a sale gets made to someone who doesn’t want to buy) when controlled for other factors. The conversion rate thing is under contention in some circles and sales and marketing people get all their news and job training from magazines so expect funny headlines if you look this up.
The point is that if you are online temporarily hovering over a marked down socket set you are only thinking about the price. If you’re stopped in target in front of a marked down socket set it’s cheap and immediate.
It’s the same logic behind the candy at the grocery checkout.
So if retailers can get the data that lets them fiddle with prices depending on who’s asking then they stand to make a tremendous amount of sales.
All that is to say that no one cares if you shoplift and so you won’t actually make any difference by doing so.
If you just wanna shoplift, do it. Your teenage girl ancestors are smiling down upon you as you palm that eye pencil.
I know you’re looking for a technical solution but have you considered just yelling across the cabin at each other?
Please forgive me, as a Debian user I’m prone to senior moments and will soon have my driving license legally revoked.
I s2g im gonna become one of those psychos who runs the oldest Debian that still gets security updates behind a pfsense with whitelisting.
Keeping sealed iodine patches and band aids inside my leather wristbands.
Staying on the edge of the pit to catch anyone who falls or takes a hit.
🧷 safetycore 🧷