Fuck their middle-aged mentality
Alle Jahre wieder...
Critical situation for ecowas as 4 countries had recent military coups and seem not to have the same orientation as ecowas anymore.
Still not sure what you mean. The brightness of the colors changes alot according to the angle like you can see in videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlYecLQDaUM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDkeIVGmSA8
More thank mildly interesting I think 😉
I was wondering why you guys are saying it's photoshopped. Even Wikipedia haste incredible photos of this species.
Edit: picture embedd didn't work
I think you're wrong. It's called Calypte costae https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Costa%27s_hummingbird
Bei Jung und Naiv war neulich eine Ökonomin die da ziemlich konkret drüber erzählt hat. War super spannend. https://jung-naiv.podigee.io/858-china-inflation-okonomin-isabella-weber-lebensmittelpreise
I second this big time. I've been looking for some good online calendar as well that is probably protected. Long time ago I used borg calender. Simple but unfortunately only offline.