Fake sentiment from Starbuck$
Since it’s hand drawn I’d bet that a manager is sick of that one regular making the new kid cry all the time. Otherwise, I agree, corporate virtue signaling is gross.
Pretty sure the managers were instructed to create these
Holy tracking codes, Batman.
Are there tracking codes? I thought I removed them? The rest is the image search code... please point out if that isn't the case here
I don't use or know bing, and that link loads like a great white nothing. So I guess I'll take your word for it
It's just an image search with the full URL included, but whatever
Just saying the link didn’t work on my phone or pc, but whatever
Yeah I can’t see anything either
Weird, it works even if I choose a random VPN and private browser, it is a reverse image search showing many of those "hand drawn" starbuck$ signs with the exact same text from the last few years
"Be kind while we fight against your rights to organize!"
This would be great if wasn't a subtle ad for Starbucks
The idea is to implant the idea of Starbucks in your mind by having the logo there so when you think of coffee you are more likely to think of Starbucks
100% the Lemmy response I expected.
Be kind to each other, you're all under the same boot. Pay no attention to the 5 toes of corporations keeping you all there
Isn't there some degree of slavery in the coffee bean industry?
Isn't there some degree of slavery in ~~the coffee bean industry~~ everything?!
FTFY, and yes. There is no such thing as ethical consumerism. Someone somewhere is living an absolutely horrifically shit life to enable each and every one of our modern marvels. Impoverished, exploited, all but ignored masses are the foundational labor at the root of all of it. What are you doing about it? Likely as much as any of the other billions of us in the middle. Oh, and the sun's going to implode and engulf the entire system in life-quenching nuclear fire in a few billion years. So, there's that, too
More than just some, most brands pay a pittance of the price of beans to their suppliers.
I’m sure there is. There is in practically everything we buy.
Why do they use capital R
Text transcription:
Today, you could be standing next to someone who is tRying theiR best not to fall apaRt. WhateveR you do today, do it with kindness in youR heaRt. <3
I am not a bot, and this action was peRfoRmed manually.
To subliminally make you think about Reddit.
Wow, effective
Clearly for more Arrr
Why haven't I seen that lazer-beam-crab picture posted as a response to this yet?
On the other hand you could make the note and, in the end, don't we all want to be remembered?