Firefox for Android context menu editing
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
Is there any benefit for using the app over the site? I stopped using Amazon, but when I did use, the site seemed to work just fine.
Amazon Smile trades ad views for 1% of their proceeds to a non-profit of your choice (including the FSF, EFF, and more, though I think RMS would have a seizure accepting this money)
Whole Foods gives you significant discounts on hot foods if you scan a QR code from the app (still expensive though).
I don't use these personally but I can totally see someone using them.
If I’m not mistaken, the Smile donations feature has ended.
Yes. my non-profit used to receive Smile donations. I can personally attest that we got emails about the program ending and that it did end.
Right after they killed Book Depository? Wow they are getting rid of everything worth keeping...