I'm working on a fault-tolerant JSON5 parsing library in the service of a JSON5-to-JSON and JSON5-to-YAML transpiler.
My goal is to never write any more YAML ever again.
I'm working on a fault-tolerant JSON5 parsing library in the service of a JSON5-to-JSON and JSON5-to-YAML transpiler.
My goal is to never write any more YAML ever again.
I'd think they'd get it back by not having to share their ad rev with Google. There's something to be said for the economies of scale Google benefits from but with cloud services that's not as relevant as it was.
I live on Termux. I love being able to write software in my own custom emacs configuration from my phone.
I'll give my usual contribution to RSS feed discourse, which is that, news flash! RSS feeds support video!
It drives me crazy when podcasters are like, "thanks for listening to our audio podcasts. We also have a video feed for our YouTube subscribers." Just let me have the video in PocketCasts please!
I am a YAML hater. The biggest thing about YAML that keeps biting me recently is this:
throws parse errors because of the colon, even though it is inside a quoted string.
But there are lots of reasons to hate YAML.
Honestly, an underrated one to me is I just hate significant whitespace. I don't want to use any language that supports it.