Movies are usually fine for me, as long as the sound is reasonably loud. Television not so much: stuff is going too fast and I'm always anxious about missing out. Paradoxically I was very fond of cartoons back in the days, just frustrated that I could never get the whole story because of worldly contrivances.
Here is what works for me. If it doesn't for you then that's understandable.
At some point it gets easier to live with less than to work more. Jobs that pay a lot always either:
- are painfully hard
- require rare degrees of certification
- require a lack of morality Many combine several of those items.
Personally I live with way less than what would be considered "low" in my country: it pays for my home, food (as long as I cook myself most of the time) and I am even able to keep some around in case of need. Now with that said I have no idea how it is in your country so my advice are probably off.
I speak English. That's a foreign language for me... Does that count?
Had a Therion phase. Also Ultra Vomit but it doesn't have the same appeal now that they have become bigger.
I have something that may or may not be related: some stuff just makes me physically faint. It's never sudden, I see it coming and if I manage to get away from the trigger, lay down and wait it goes away, but if I can't do it quick enough I know it can be dangerous. Among the triggers are intense pain (like burning your stomach by swallowing something too hot) but also conversations about "real" body horror (a movie is fine, but somebody telling me about how their plan to get an operation often isn't, back in middle school I remember fainting as the teacher was talking about some health risk).
Not speaking for all of them but sometimes just feeling good about yourself is enough. You can even tell them how you appreciate their efforts (assuming you do)
I am a native French speaker who had a phase with an interest toward grammar, so I probably can help you with it if you are learning this language. Also I am quite good at explaining maths to kids or teens, even those with difficulties. It gets harder with adults.
Oh, one call is already stressfull* for me, but I can manage it. Perhaps it would already qualify as "not comfortable". That said there is a gradation between your average "not your cup of tea but that's ok if you can take your time for it" and "risks having a meltdown in the middle of a phone call". It was dangerously close to that second category.
*Except those from that one person I'd marry if we weren't both 'commies' who think marriage is a thing of the past.
Good luck! Please tell us how it went, I hopefully will reach the same point as you at some point so your experience interests me.
The one thing I like the least is A2. Seriously, once I had to sleep at a friend's house because I couldn't find my key, which was in my pocket all along. If said friend hadn't been there I probably would have slept outside.
There are still nice indies without that greedy attitude that big corps have. Wube Software for example (the factorio guys) are pretty irreproachable afaik.