Haha but seriously, please don't use workers as your personal therapists.
Wow I hope you don't get caught because that would be serious, manipulating item prices without authorization. Maybe gas station management is more lenient but I personally wouldn't bet on it.
Lmao a bit dramatic writing a "love letter" to a game that's not released yet.
I hope the game lives up to its hype... but knowing Bethesda, it will probably be buggy and janky before the modding community does the actual heavy lifting as usual.
He makes his video editors do manual labor for his home, like painting his walls and moving home furnitures. He is not known to be a respectful guy.
I love that there is a cast iron community here 😆
wow so you're more than half way there, nice. I do similarly have a few fun tech stocks but they fluctuate like extreme rollercoasters haha.
thank you, I was not sure about the detailed hierarchy. So Coast is working with regular full time instead of part time? That seems like what most people would prefer by continuing their current jobs... rather than quitting it to have a more labor intensive part time job.
I feel like the picture isn't helping the headline lol
HYSA would be my first choice (4% APY). Highly liquid and hassle free, and literally the purpose of it is for what you are describing. Second would be SPAXX/VUSXX (>5%) which is where I also keep my emergency fund. Though these take like an extra day to cash out compared to HYSA, at least for my bank. I wouldn't keep in index funds as you described there is a risk to it.
I think lean probably... fat FIRE seems highly unlikely in my situation. I like the idea of working part time in the future without being so stressed for money. Just want to have enough to live on in my current home, help my parents in their old age, and not be too bored in the future.
It took 7 years of saving to finally reach 100K net worth. I am so burnt out... will it get easier?
I think a little nudge is good but if they are not receptive to it, I don't bring it up again. Finance is very personal stuff and my some of friends/family get embarrassed/uncomfortable discussing that.
also I think it's important to not be completely out of touch since most people in my circle don't have enough money to have a safe savings/emergency stash, let alone invest into retirement. I don't want to piss people off or make them despair talking about FIRE if I know they don't have good income leftover to begin with. That's just been my experience with it, curious how you guys think about it.