I was against smoking until I arrived in the psychward. If you're suicidal your health isn't that important to you.
They live in a capitalistic society.
That's not love bombing. Did you love them as a means to an end? Did you try to get something specific from them in return? No? Then don't worry. Seems you just loved them, that's life.
Na, auch ADHS?
In what way is it watered down and what are the benefits?
It's not federated yet anyway.
Why do you want to be listed?
In anderen Nachrichten, Chemotherapie für gesunde Menschen auch Nutzlos.
I really hoped we wouldn't import the reddit nuclear circlejerk.
Wie auch bei zb. Klimaprotesten kann man vielleicht nicht viel direkt verhindern, aber man kann den Prozess so schmerzhaft machen wie möglich, so dass in Zukunft andere nicht das gleiche machen. Die schlechten headlines dürften nicht gut auf das ganze IPO zeug wirken.
Every french speaker is delusional.