Dinner with Grandma every night
1. Post title must start with "Thanks, I hate..." or "TIH"
The naming scheme must start with "Thanks, I hate ...".
Posts that don't begin with this will be removed.
Please be a little bit more creative than just using "Thanks, I hate it."
2. Reposts should be avoided
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Please tag mildly NSFW-posts with the appropriate tag.
4. No Memes
5. No Low-Quality-Content
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Low-effort or low-quality content will be removed. This includes screenshots.
Most AI generated content is also considered low quality.
6. No Spam
7. Keep comments civil; no bigotry
8. No Politics
Awww to bad it’s fake! I knew it was too good to be true
i mean theres no way.. just curious did you believe this for a bit, kind of suspend disbelief hoping it was true or know it wasnt true but just needed it to be confirmed?
How could they get rid of the rest?
There doesn't need to be a snopes to understand this is clearly 100% fake... But I guess it doesn't hurt haha.