Futurama is an old show AND a new show. It counts.
Let's talk about some old stuff.
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I've just been watching through Futurama again, and so many of the lines never fail to crack me up.
I just watched the episode in season 3 where Zap, Kiff, Leela and Amy go on a double date, and the space station restaurant starts crashing so Zap takes the wheel to "save the day". As he takes the wheel he says so confidently"She's built like a steakhouse but handles like a Bistro" and that line absolutely slays me. I was almost in tears hearing it again, I love Zap as a character so much.
I firmly believe the use of Bistro is a reference to HGTTG. One of the later books describes the Bistro Drive (based on the complex mathematics used to calculate the bill) which is faster than even the Infinite Improbability Drive.
I was actually just telling someone about that on Thursday, I didn't even think to make that connection! The robots at the table splitting the bill as the core of the drive is so funny. Douglas Adams is a beauty.
I just watched that episode too and those were some of the best lines I had forgotten about. SO GOOD!