Let's be real: very few of us have the talent or skills to make anything approaching those
I could make a ghost in a sheet type one
A caricature of a caricature 😭
U gotta make this glow at night somehow :o That would be so dope. Maybe spray it with flourescent paint or something.
If you're interested in making one, you should look at this video from wicked makers: https://youtu.be/RW7rlSibbIo
Thanks, that's really helpful. The hair in particular is a neat technique!
Would need to be phosphorecent unless lit.
Oh true thats the one that keeps glowing. TIL
Good thing the reminder actually works!
I can't believe it was so long ago!
Use fluorescent white or blue paint.
It’s been a long time since played around with chicken wire but is it strong enough to stand without any internal structure like that?
This is something I’d like to try but I think my ghost would end up looking more like something from Pac-Man than any of these.
I imagine that it gains a lot of strength from being bent into compound curves.
You'd probably want to use something like tent stakes to keep it in place, but being bent like it is will give it good holding strength.
Flat thin things are weak. Curved thin things are much stronger. Add compound curves and you're really talking.
You'll see this all over if you look for it: ribbed metal siding and roofing, waffle slab cement, automotive hood strength comes from the thin stamped sheet metal on the inside, floor pans have ribbing, soda bottles that you can stand on when empty, etc.
Witchy Memes
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