Possible Defederation of sh.itjust.works
A Lemmy Community to share links about and for amateur (ham) radio to advance the technology, and promote communication and international goodwill. This community IS NOT for CB, GMRS, MURS, FRS, etc topics unless they are related to ham radio in some way.
We won't tolerate personal insults, illegal activity, or anything contrary to good amateur practice.
If asking questions about regulations, please include your country because we recognize that, while the hobby is international, regulations often aren't.
I can appreciate your dedication to universal goodwill and what steps might be needed to proliferate such ideals.
Here's to this community not needing to move.
I really don't want to move. It is easy to block a community as a user but I think the rush to judgment leads a lot of the internet mob, though well intentioned, to get out the pitchforks and torches and burn down their own houses. One instance, as I understand it has already defederated sh.itjust.works.
I am anxious about the next steps. You are right regarding the velocity of mob rule.
There are logical reasons for defederation and also for relying on community blockage. Freedom of expression cannot supercede respect for your fellow living bean.
I think a big part being missed is that this community isn't reddit and never will be (thank heavens). I
hope for cooler heads.